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The Difference Between Thin Wrap Canvas and Thick Wrap Canvas

Difference Between Thin Wrap Canvas and Thick Wrap Canvas
The Difference Between Thin Wrap Canvas and Thick Wrap Canvas

By CanvasChampJuly, 14 2022July, 14 2022Comment

Have you ever noticed those large canvas prints hanging on the walls of art galleries and homes on platforms like Pinterest or your friend's place, or in an office set-up?  

Yet, when you got them, they didn't look any better on your walls. Ever wondered why?  

The reason behind it is the thickness of the canvas. Thicker canvas is better at bringing art to life.  

In this blog, we will help you understand how to choose the right thickness of your Canvas depending on your images. Also, we will cover how a 0.75" Wrap Canvas differs from a 1.50" Wrap Canvas. 

Primary Difference Between 0.75 Wrap Canvas and 1.50 Wrap Canvas 

Are you always confused between the two most helpful wrap canvases, i.e., 0.75" wrap and 1.50" wrap? Then, we have the answer for you. 

It will help you be clear how they are both very similar yet simultaneously differ from each other.  

Both sizes of wrap canvases have their pros and cons. Choosing one between them will depend on your usability and hanging style.  

Let's explore more differences by understanding them individually.

A) 0.75" Wrap Canvas

 Thin Wrap Canvas


0.75 wrap canvas is considered the standard thickness for the wrap canvas. It gives your image excellent detail, and you can hang it anywhere. This wrap canvas is more affordable than the other one. 

The best part of this canvas thickness is you will lose a small amount of your picture in wrapping. Your complete artwork will show on your canvas, and you can flaunt it proudly in front of everyone. 

This 0.75" depth wrap canvas is mainly used by home decorators and small business owners who want something different for their homes and offices. This wrap canvas can easily hold and move from one place to another. 

B) 1.50" Wrap Canvas


Thick Wrap Canvas


1.50" wrap canvas has deeper depth and gives a nice pop-up to your artwork on the wall and the gallery. This is why it is used mainly by art gallery designers. It gives high definition to your image and instantly transforms your typical picture into a piece of artwork.  

This 1.50" wrap canvas is not as lightweight as a 0.75" wrap canvas. As a result, most homes avoid using this thickness, as it's challenging to move it from one place to another quickly. 

Although this wrap canvas gives a fantastic look, most of your photo is used in wrapping the edge of the 1.50" canvas. To sort this issue, you must pick a print with broad boarder and frames, so you will never lose the primary image in wrapping.  


The thicker your canvas is, the more your image will pop out on the wall. Pick the thickness of the wrap canvas depending on where you want to display the art.  

CanvasChamp is an expert in customizing wrap canvas with the latest printing technology and giving you the details, you always wish for. You can choose in canvas prints of designing tool.

So, what is stopping you now! 

Make up your mind and let us know your requirements.